Cowfish Facts

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Everything you could possibly want to know about cowfish, and then some
This is where you will find all the facts and information on this incredible species, expect constant updates as our marine biologist scientist type people find out more. Please note, some of our facts makes be more truthful that others ;)

A cowfish about to be fed by its proud owner
  Please tell me about these great fish :)

- Despite being shy bottom feeders(they wont come to the surface to eat food), cowfish are very easy to feed. They will try almost anything that is offered but like algae and crustaceans in their diet. They seem to relish live foods when available, as pictured, their favourite is alphabettie spaghetti

- Cowfish are members of the Boxfish and Trunkfish families (Ostraciidae). All of these fish have rigid bodies made up of bony plates which cover them entirely except for the stomach. The only flexible part is the tail. Nature protects these slow, gentle fish by outfitting them with sharp spikes front and rear and by covering them with poisonous flesh.

- The Longhorned Cowfish is brilliant yellow in color with bright blue spots in the center of each piece of its body plating. They should not be kept with aggressive or fast moving fishes and their skin can be damaged by the attentions of cleaner fish. They are intolerant of each other and need enough room for each to establish it's own territory. They are generally compatible with invertebrates but may pick at tube worms.

- cowfish can only swim backwards and forwards, they rely on the current underwater to turn them in the direction they want to go in

- Cowfish are normally found in the indo-pacific waters, but they can stray elsewhere if the tide is taking them that way

- Cowfish make great lovers (thanx again tim)

- If you make a cowfish moo, you will have good luck for 1000 years (if u live that long)

- cowfish are cool

- cowfish originally had bodies, real sexy bodies, but an evil scientist messed with their DNA, and now every cowfish has a natural instinct to travel the deep sea trying to find its body, they destroy everything in their path....YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Any of you scientifical types had better sit down now, this is going to be a shocker to you all!
Now, many of you have been brought up to believe that the tides are caused by the gravitational pull on the moon (yeah right, like thats realistic!!!)
Now, in actuality, the tides are caused by all the cowfish in the world in syncronisation with eachother, swimming backwards and forwards. Because their are so many of the little floating heads, they cause the tides to go in and out, it just so happens that the moon is also dragged about because cowfish are so freaking powerful!

Female Cowfish
The only diference between a male and female cowfish is that the female has a bow on her head (as pictured) this is where the creators of the video game "pac-man" got their inspiration from